CRM Status

launched on November 5th 



1. Downloading all active and inactive CRM users with their profiles - COMPLETE

2. Downloading all current views - COMPLETE

3. Disabling Marketo sync - COMPLETE

4. Shutting down the existing CRM (stopping Services) - COMPLETE

5. Migrating CRM data deltas - COMPLETE

6. Turning on the new CRM (starting Services) - COMPLETE

7. Starting the Online Registration tool - COMPLETE

8. Starting the Lenel (OnGuard) connection - COMPLETE

9. Running post-processes (e.g. Update of Current Bed Assignments) if necessary - COMPLETE

10. Spot-checking CRM system and connectivity with external systems - COMPLETE

11. Communicating new link and login process to IMG Academy CRM users - COMPLETE


performance issues are resolved



Sanjiv Potdar
Business Analyst | Endeavor
[email protected]

Miro Hrdina
Project Coordinator | Rare Crew
[email protected]